All of these items are dependant upon the StickyBrain Service application running. The service application runs in the background and is responsible for managing the services in the application Services menu and system-wide contextual menus. It also manages FlashNote which appears in the menu bar and QuickNote which can appear anywhere on your screen. The following steps should take care of the problem:

1. Launch StickyBrain.

2. Choose StickyBrain > Preferences, and click the Services button.

3. Disable the Service (it may already be disabled).

3. Re-enable the Service. 

4. Check "Enable at system startup".

If the Service can't be enabled or the above steps do not fix the problem, quit StickyBrain and delete the "com.chronos.StickyBrainService.plist" file from the following directory:


Where "~" denotes your home folder. Delete the "StickyBrainService.bundle" file from the following directory:


Then verify the StickyBrain Service application is in one of the following directories:



If the StickyBrain Service is not in one of the above directories reinstall the software. Otherwise, restart your computer and do steps 1 thru 5 above.