STEP A. Uninstall SOHO Sync.
If you've enabled syncing at any point, you need to unregister SOHO Sync which will also remove the "SOHO Notes" and "SOHO Tags" items from your MobileMe system preference pane. Here's how:
1) Launch SOHO Organizer
2) Choose SOHO Organizer > Preferences
3) Select the Sync preference pane
4) Click Unregister SOHO Sync
5) Quit SOHO Organizer
If you've already deleted SOHO Organizer, but still need to uninstall SOHO Sync, then you can follow the steps in this article:
STEP B. Quit the background helper applications.
SOHO Organizer uses several helper applications to provide services when it's not running. The helper applications run in the background so you don't normally see them running. You'll need to quit these helper applications before you can delete the SOHO Organizer applications. Here's how:
1) Launch SOHO Organizer
2) Choose SOHO Organizer > Helper Applications
3) Click Quit Helper Applications
4) Quit SOHO Organizer
STEP C. Uninstall the software.
To completely delete SOHO Organizer and remove all files related to it, please drag the below items to the Trash and then empty the Trash. The path for each item is provided. The "~" symbol in a path denotes your Home folder. For example, the path "~/Library" means you first select your Home folder in the Finder and then you select the Library folder. This path is different from "/Library" which is the main Library folder at the root level of your hard disk.
1) "SOHO Organizer" folder. Location: your Applications folder unless you originally installed it elsewhere
2) "SOHO Notes” folder. Location: ~/Library/Application Support/Chronos/SOHO Notes
3) "SOHO Organizer” folder. Location: ~/Library/Application Support/Chronos/SOHO Organizer
4) "SOHO Print Essentials” folder. Location: ~/Library/Application Support/Chronos/SOHO Print Essentials
5) “ChronosNotesCM.plugin” file. Location: ~/Library/Contextual Menu Items/ChronosNotesCM.plugin
6) “ChronosNotes.wdgt” file. Location: ~/Library/Widgets/ChronosNotes.wdgt
7) “com.chronos.SOHOOrganizer.plist” file. Location: ~/Library/Preferences/com.chronos.SOHOOrganizer.plist
8) “com.chronos.SOHONotes.plist” file. Location: ~/Library/Preferences/com.chronos.SOHONotes.plist
9) “com.chronos.SOHOPrintEssentials.plist” file. Location: ~/Library/Preferences/com.chronos.SOHOPrintEssentials.plist
10) “com.chronos.Backup.plist” file. Location: ~/Library/Preferences/com.chronos.Backup.plist
11) “com.chronos. SOHONotesService.plist” file. Location: ~/Library/Preferences/com.chronos.SOHONotesService.plist
12) “SOHONotesService.bundle” file. Location: ~/Library/Services/SOHONotesService.bundle
13) "Chronos” folder. Location: ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Chronos
STEP D. Delete your database(s).
Now that you've deleted all the files related to the application itself, you can delete the folder containing your database file(s). WARNING: Your data is stored in this folder so deleting it will permanently delete all of your notes, contacts and calendars. Drag the following folder to the Trash and then empty the Trash:
1) “Databases” folder. Location: ~/Library/Application Support/Chronos/Databases